Our Promise

To Concept LIVE, the smooth running of your live streamed event essential. That is why we have invested in strategies to ensure we stay ahead of the curve whilst keeping our services at a competitive price.

Although our business is broadcast and streaming, we do a lot of listening! Here are some of the things we do differently:

A photograph of the Continual Improvement Programme at Concept LIVE

1. Continual Improvement Programme - CIP

We use a Continual Improvement Programme to ensure we deliver the best service we can, time after time. We employ a Kaizen approach which ensures we successfully reflect, learn and grow both the quality of our live streaming capability and our team.

Planning and rehearsal

Planning and technical rehearsals are a critical part of our preparation for your event.

Logging, Feedback and Reflection

We record notes during each event to identify what work well or needs further attention. We take feedback from our clients via a CIP Form. We also run team wash-up meetings to share ideas, observations and improvements.

Development and Strategic Improvement

We then take responsibility to action the changes identified by the CIP. We are continually investing in our equipment and developing better technical executions and service designs.

A photograph planning a live stream at Concept Live.

2. Planned mitigation and keeping a cool head

A live environment can present it's challenges. We have fallback procedures and redundant systems to handle the following issues and more:

  • The venue' internet connection becomes unstable
  • A member of the audience becomes disruptive
  • Your viewing audience or a team member makes a suggestion to improve their experience
  • A technical issue arises

The key to problem solving during a live streaming event is keeping calm, assessing the situation to determine options, and then to enact resolution as smoothly as possible.

A photograph of a professionalLive Streaming event.

3. Investment in new technologies, training & development.

At Concept LIVE, we do more than buy new live streaming kit regularly. We develop and build new live streaming systems and write custom software to improve the quality of our product and the experience both you and your viewers have.

One example of this was the recent development of bespoke Live Streaming Schedule Clock and Display System to keep both presenters and crew on time accurately throughout the running live stream.

A photograph investment in live streaming technologies.

Get a quote for Live Streaming

We deliver high quality live streams at very competitive pricing. Request a quotation here:

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