Complete Business Live Streaming Services

Achieving a professional business live stream can be a substantial task. However, Concept LIVE makes your business live streaming event easier by providing everything you need, including advice and even complete live streaming event management.

We offer every type of business live streaming service from a simple Single Camera Live Stream for meetings and webinars to Fully Managed Business Live Stream Conferences with interactive polls and breakout rooms.

Professional business live streaming crew by Concept LIVE.

Concept LIVE offers more than Live Streaming Cameras

We know there is more to a business live streaming event than turning up with cameras and lights. For Concept LIVE, delivering a professional business live stream is about supporting your people, providing friendly onsite guidance to ensure people feel comfortable in front of the camera.

To help people stay confidently on time, we have developed the Concept Live Presenter Clock. This tool displays the current business live streaming schedule, both as a time counter and as a visual percentage bar. At a quick glance, your presenters know exactly where they are and how much time they've got left.

Concept LIVE offers business live streaming with advice and support for your staff.

Business Live Streaming services can include

  • Professional branded video titles and opening, closing and hold graphics
  • High quality presentation slide and camera mixing
  • Multiple cameras and vision mixing
  • Professional interview microphones
  • Background, set and lighting options.
  • Complete event management, including delegate admissions, viewer polls and breakout rooms.

Concept LIVE's business live streaming kit and crew are part of a Continual Improvement Programme (CIP). Our recent investments include high-end broadcast cameras and new live stream encoders with 5g Mobile fallover protection (incase your venue internet fails...).

Business Live Streaming Vision Mixing operator at Concept LIVE.

Live Streaming Case Study : Edwards Semiconductor

When you operate a global company, reaching your senior Directors and Managers becomes increasingly difficult. Concept LIVE were tasked with helping Edwards Semiconductor achieve this challenging requirement.

Together, we orchestrated a 3 day Live Event with the Company President and other seniors not only delivering key messages to their global colleagues, but we also enabled live workshops, topical polls and remote links to specialist speakers. We attended Edwards' head office, set up a portable studio, and undertook 6x 4 hour live streams over 3 days, with customised graphics, animated titles with soundtrack and a complete schedule of content.

Broadcast schedule clock for live streaming.

Live Streaming Case Study : Dental Marketing Experts

Training sessions are a powerful way to engage your customer - both in terms of educating them about your services and as a method of showing them additional ways to use your service.

Our TV Studio was laid out with TV Screens, a podium and had seating for a live audience. People were then initially invited to attend the training event. Once audience seats were fully booked, the event was extended to a digital audience who couldn't attend in person for whatever reason.

The event delivered a seamless production, with live discussions, and a the presentation slides sent to both the TV screen in front of the audience, and also as a video overlay to the Live Stream feed. The client was impressed with the capability of the Concept LIVE team, and also with the studio as a venue to hold the training.

Get a quote for Live Streaming

We deliver high quality live streams at very competitive pricing. Request a quotation here:

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